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5 enjoyable ways to naturally boost your immunity this winter

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Immune boost raw slice winter camu camu

Looking for natural ways to boost your immunity this winter?

5 Enjoyable ways to boost your immune system this winter

1/ Enjoy some sunshine everyday.

Vitamin D is vital for a healthy immune system and getting your Vitamin D from exposure to the sun is the best way to optimize your levels. This may seem a little harder in winter, but warming yourself in the winter sun feel so good. Make a decision to have lunch outside everyday, roll up the sleeves exposure as much skin as practical and soak up your immune booster.  How dark your skin is will determine how much time in the sun you need. Only stay out until your skin just slightly turns light pink. 

Vitamin D sunshine immune support

2/ Add (a.k.a hide) food based natural supplement and probiotics into raw slices and smoothies.

I love it when my son asks for a smoothie, this is my opportunity to add in some extra things to support his health.  I start with very small amounts and gradually build up. Colloidal Minerals, Coconut Yoghurt is currently going into his raw cacao and banana smoothie.

In a green smoothie like this mint and lime green smoothie, you could add in supreme green blend, colloidal minerals, probiotic powder.

These raw slices have hidden added immune supportive ingredients.

3/ Go to bed earlier and enjoy some extra sleep.

Not getting enough sleep will suppress your immune system and make you more prone to colds and flus.   Wear blue blocker glasses a couple of hours before bed to help your system calm down and protect you from affect of blue light. Declutter the bedroom of TV and devises, diffuse some essential oils like Lavender and prioritise your sleep every night.

Vitamin D sunshine immune support

4/ Sip on warm drinks and herbal teas.

Green tea, chamomile tea and various other herbal teas are an enjoyable way to gain powerful antioxidants and immune supporting benefits.

Herbs of Life have beautiful blends of organic herbal teas. In winter I particularly like their Cold and Flu blend of Eucalyptus Root, Ginger Root, Echinacea Root, Peppermint Leaf, Rose Hips, Elderflower.

Hot lemon, ginger and honey drinks are soothing on a sore throat.
Add the following to a cup of near boiling water:

  • Juice of half a fresh lemon
  • 1 Teaspoon raw honey
  • 2-3 slices of fresh ginger

Other warm drinks

Vitamin D sunshine immune support

5/ Eat a rainbow of colourful foods. Of course I mean food nature has created colourful, not a science lab.

The foods we choose to eat everyday is a powerful tool to either fight disease or feed it.  We all need more vegetables to support a healthy immune system so brighten up your winter plate with a rainbow of colour.

  • Grate a variety of colourful raw vegetables and add a dressing like this easy coleslaw or avocado dressing
  • 10 Ways to get more greens into your diet
  • Whenever you have the oven on, roast up a tray of assorted vegetables to add into lunches or quick meals. Choose a variety of colourful vegetables like beetroots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, capcicum and zucchini.
Rainbow plate vegetables immune support
Roasted colourful vegetables immune support

This winter join in a fun and interactive Healing the Gut workshop. Learn about the importance of gut health for your immune system, physical and mental health. Includes demonstrations and taste tests for bone broth, Kombucha, Saurkraut, Kultured Wellness Coconut Yoghurt and Coconut Water Kefir.

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