» » » Fermented Yoghurt and Cucumber Dip (Dairy-free)

Fermented Yoghurt and Cucumber Dip (Dairy-free)

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Dip fermented coconut yoghurt cucumber mint

Fermented, Gut healing, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Tzatziki Style Dip

Dip Ingredients:

  • 1 Large Cucumber
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 Tablespoon of finely chopped fresh mint (or dill)
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic, minced. (leave out if low FODMAPS)
  • 1 cup of coconut yoghurt  (made from Kultured Wellness yoghurt starter culture)
  • pinch salt

Dip Method: 

Step 1:  Peel, deseed and grate the cucumber into a bowl. Use a paper towel to soak up excess liquid from the cucumber
Step 2:  Mix all the ingredients together well using a fork or spoon.
Step 3:  Serve in a glass or ceramic dish (fermented foods need to avoid metal and plastic) as a dip for vegetable stick or crackers.

Cover and store in fridge. Use within 3 days.

This dip is also delicious served with your roast lamb dinner or with the leftovers for lunch the next day.

Dip yoghurt cucumber roast lamb sandwich

Benefits of Kultured Wellness Coconut Yoghurt

  • 9 beneficial strains, 41 billion CFU per cup
  • High in Bifidobacterium to help you digest your plant matter, also important for immune system, leaky gut and mental health.
  • Suitable for people who can't tolerate traditional/wild fermented foods, e.g histamine intolerance, SIBO, autoimmune conditions
  • D-Lactate free to benefit people with e.g. MTHFR, liver and detox problems 
  • Healthy fats helps to boost brain function and rebalance hormones.

Read more about Kultured Wellness Coconut Yoghurt HERE

Local? Yes we stock Kultured Wellness Coconut Yoghurt Starters. Contact Us to order and arrange pick-up from:

  • Melinda at Emu Plains, NSW anytime by appointment.
  • Or check our shop page for other upcoming pick-up location.
  • Or Flat rate shipping available Australia wide.

Learn first hand!

Attend one of our 'Healing the Gut' workshops to see first hand how to make the coconut yoghurt using Kultured Wellness starters, what it should taste like and look like. So you know what to expect, how best to introduce it and more ways to enjoy it. Plus you will also learn how to make (and taste!) other gut healing and probiotic foods and drinks at the workshop so you will know what your family would like. Ask your questions and walk out confident to start.

Like this recipe? Check out our new Family Friendly Fermenting ebook 

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